Sunday, July 13, 2008

Next Mail Drop - Austin, NV

Our next mail drop will be in Austin, NV. Please make sure all letters and packages arrive by Friday, July 18 to the following address. Thanks again!

Austin Baptist Church
Attn: Hopkins 4K for Cancer – Rider's Name
P.O. 183
Austin, NV 89310

1 comment:

David said...

Hey guys, you really should post the maildrops a little sooner! I really hope I make this one :-)

Sorry I haven't been keeping track of the trip so far, been a little busy with one of my own. However, now I'll be rooting for y'all! I just wish I hadn't sold my big bike, because then I'd be chasing you down right now...

Keep it safe, and keep the mission in mind. I know how hard it is to stay focused on that when you're riding through such beautiful places, basically everywhere once you hit Colorado and beyond!

